
Felipe Augusto Lara Soares received his Master's in Informatics (2020) and Computer Engineering (2016) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is currently an Assistant Professor and a Ph.D. student in Informatics at PUC Minas. His research interests are Data Analytics, Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing, Robotics, and Internet-of-Things.

Are you interested in starting research? Contact me.



SILVA, E. M. R.; SOARES, F. A. L.; SOUZA, W. J.; FREITAS, H. C., A Systematic Mapping of Autonomous Vehicle Prototypes: Trends and Opportunities, in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), p. 1-27. 2024.

SOARES, F. A. L.; FREITAS, H. C., Automated and Intelligent System for World Health Organization Data Forecasting, in Wiley Expert Systems (ES), Vol. 41, Issue 4, e13521, 2024.


SOARES, F. A. L.; SILVEIRA, T. B.; MARQUES-NETO, H. T.; FREITAS, H. C., Paralelização Automática de Código em CUDA Utilizando Aprendizagem por Reforço. In: Workshop em Desempenho de Sistemas Computacionais e de Comunicação (WPerformance), online, p. 137-142, 2021.

SILVEIRA, T. B.; SOARES, F. A. L.; FREITAS, H. C., Fast and Efficient Parallel Execution of SARIMA Prediction Model. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). n.aed. Cham: Springer International Publishing, v. 417, p. 217-241, 2021.

SOARES, FELIPE A. L.; LOUSADA, EFREM E. O.; SILVEIRA, TIAGO B.; MINI, RAQUEL A. F.; ZÁRATE, LUIS E.; FREITAS, HENRIQUE C.. Analysis and Prediction of Childhood Pneumonia Deaths using Machine Learning Algorithms. In: SYMPOSIUM ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, MINING AND LEARNING (KDMILE), 9. , 2021, Rio de Janeiro. p. 16-23, 2021.


SOARES, F.; SILVEIRA, T.; FREITAS, H., Hybrid Approach based on SARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks for Knowledge Discovery Applied to Crime Rates Prediction. In: 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Prague. v. 1. p. 407-415, 2020.


SOARES, F. A. L. ; NOBRE, C. N. ; FREITAS, H. C. . Parallel Programming in Computing Undergraduate Courses: a Systematic Mapping of the Literature. IEEE Latin America Transactions (LATAM), v. 17, p. 1371-1381, 2019.

VASCONCELOS, L. B. A. ; SOARES, F. A. L. ; PENNA, P. H. M. M. ; MACHADO, M. V. ; GOES, L. F. W. ; MARTINS, C. A. P. S. ; C. FREITAS, HENRIQUE . Teaching Parallel Programming to Freshmen in an Undergraduate Computer Science Program. 49th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, 2019.

SILVEIRA, TIAGO ; SOARES, FELIPE ; BRANDÃO, WLADMIR ; FREITAS, HENRIQUE COTA . Heterogeneous Parallel Architecture for Inverted Index Generation. In: XX Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD), Campo Grande. v. 49th. p. 145. 2019.


DUQUE, EZEQUIEL ; NASCIMENTO, MICHELLE NERY ; FONSECA, GUILHERME ; SOARES, FELIPE ; PEREIRA, HEBERT ; ISHITANI, LUCILA . Uma análise sobre o desenvolvimento participativo de jogos educacionais voltados para a terceira idade. In: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), Fortaleza. p. 555. 2018.


SOARES, FELIPE AUGUSTO LARA; CARVALHO, RODRIGO BARONI . Proposta de um Portal Educacional para Estudantes de Programação de Computadores. Abakós, v. 5, p. 36-58, 2017.

Are you interested in pursuing a Master's or PhD degree?

Please, contact professor Henrique.